Consider a perfectly isolated [[photon]], it may be [polarized]( and this polarization comes about as a quantized form of the [polarization]( observed in optics, where we describe a classical model of an emergent wave-propagation that happens with many photons.
# [[Linear polarization]]
The quantum [[State vector]] for a linearly polarized photon has two components, corresponding to the $x$ and $y$ axes of a cartesian plane, thus it is given as
$|\psi\rangle = \begin{pmatrix}\psi_x\\\psi_y\end{pmatrix}=e^{i\alpha}\begin{pmatrix}\cos{(\theta)}\\\sin{(\theta)}\end{pmatrix}$
And the horizontal and vertical polarization states are, up to a phase factor $e^{i\alpha}$, given as
This forms an [orthonormal basis](, $\{|\rightarrow\rangle,|\updownarrow\rangle\}$, and thus:
# [[Circular polarization]]
Here we refer to _right_ and _left_ polarized states as
This forms an [orthonormal basis](, $\{|R\rangle,||L\rangle\}.$
Left and right polarized photons are equivalently [Spin]( _up_ and spin _down_ photons respectively.
## [[Elliptical polarization]]
This is simply a generalization from the circular form, as it is in classical optics.
# Switching between linear and circular bases
Each basis can be represented as a [[Quantum superposition]] of the other basis.
# Probabilities
The probability that a photon is measured at a particular spin state follows straight from the [[Born rule]].
# Observables
We can use the eigenbases to construct to correspond observables represented as the: [[polarization operator]]s.
# Recommended reading
Photon polarization is a common example introduced in the first chapter of many general introductions to quantum mechanics. This is because it is an example that clearly motivates an introduction to [two-level systems]( and can be done so without introducing time-dependence. See for example:
* [Baym, G., _Lectures on Quantum Mechanics_, Westview Press, 1990](Baym,%20G.,%20Lectures%20on%20Quantum%20Mechanics,%20Westview%20Press, pgs. 1-25.